We are unable to further discount our items. Do you guarantee that a third party grading service will.
Grading is a subjective opinion. That is based on knowledge and experience in the industry. With that said, The Executive Coin Company is confident that our grading is accurately represented with over 50 years of numismatic experience.
However we can not guarantee that the particular grade assigned to a sales item will be the same given at any grading service. We suggest that you review the item, and based on your opinion and knowledge, decide if you want the item to be certified by a third-party grading service. Your items are carefully packaged and fully insured. If you're not happy with an item received from us, we will provide a. Sealed Mint products must remain sealed and in good condition.
Since 1990, The Executive Coin Company has strived to provide excellent customer service and quality products. If you have any questions about this listing, please feel free to send us a message and we will respond in a timely manner.